It was sunset when we decided that we wanted to take a walk in the woods, something we did constantly when I went to his house. I don't know why, but both of us always enjoyed the woods as much as we did.
We left his house with enough daylight to see our way into the woods, enough to find our way to someplace private and peaceful. We each carried something between us, switching off occasionally. I was the first to carry the bag in which contained a nice, warm blanket. Something that we could lay on the ground and sit on when we got to our destination.
The trip in was easy enough, though mainly uphill and quite muddy. The path was always muddy, there was nothing we could do about that except leap over them or make our way around them. Slowly the sky darkened, and me being the person that I am I began to imagine seeing a crouched figure along the side of the path, always ahead of us. I drew close to him, but said nothing. I didn't want to ruin our trip because I was freaking myself out.
So we finally found a nice clearing, and quickly made our way to the center of it where we opened the blanket and laid down to gaze at the stars. It was such a clear night, and the view was absolutely breathtaking. It was chilly, so we cuddled close together and I grew drowsy. “So what do you think?” He asked me, running his fingers through my hair.
“It's so nice here.” I murmured in return, gazing up at his face, I was still thinking about the crouched figure I had seen, and my nervousness was still there.
His woods were near to a prison. This was probably what made me so nervous. I have an active imagination, and have a terrible fear of the dark. That was most likely due to all of the horror movies that I had seen. I was shaken out of my thoughts by a shooting star, something that I had never seen before. It took my breath away, I was so amazed by nature's beauty, something I hadn't paid attention to most of the time due to the stress of my own life. I had only just recently gone through depression, and occasionally I would slump back into an emotional wreck. But that's a different story.
We lay on our blanket in the grass for almost an hour, just talking and pointing out the constellations
. Finally we got up to leave, wrapping the blanket and putting it back into the bag- which he said he would carry this time. It was just at the moment that we stood in the tree line that I realized something, “Do we have a flashlight?” I asked.
He stopped mid-step and laughed to himself, “No, we forgot it...” Was all that he said before holding out his hand, “I know a shorter way back, but we should stick close together so that neither of us gets lost.”
I nodded and grasped his hand, stepping into the pitch black trees. Occasionally we wandered off of the path, only realizing this when our legs brushed against the tall grass that was a few feet off of the path. Large thorns snagged at our legs as we made our way back onto the path. Then things got really hectic.
The path grew uneven and was strewn with rocks. It sloped downwards, and every few feet one of us fell. I remember thinking that I might have broken something, or might have to go get stitches as I fell onto a particularly painful rock, making my entire leg go numb.
Finally, after several more such incidents, we were out of the trees once more and standing on an almost vertical hill. My stomach dropped as I gazed down at the street below us- I also had a terrible fear of heights. Slowly we made our way down, stumbling the last few feet and nearly falling face first onto the asphalt. I was glad that he lived somewhere where there weren't many cars as we walked up the street to his house. Both of us had to pick thorns and other plant life from our clothing before we went inside, and for the next twenty minutes we lay in his bed, something we always did when I went to his house. I was glad that he had been there for me, and I'm certain that he felt the same way as his mom finally knocked on the door and said that we had to leave. I was driven home, and said my last goodbyes as they pulled out of the driveway.